Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Front-Runner

Here’s a thought: Is it possible Donald Trump polls so high among republican primary voters because the rest of the field is so, shall we say, tepid?

That’s a fairly mild word to describe Trump’s competition. A more partisan observer might use stronger language in assessing the feckless field. I’d like to disassociate myself from that scrum.

Trump is a phenomenon. The media is captivated by him. Cable comics are having a field day with his candidacy. He is as entertaining as he is ridiculous. Yet he is prevailing in the polls.

He is the star of his own political reality show and everyone else is his supporting cast.

At this time of year, baseball honors its best with “Most Valuable Player” awards. Trump gets my vote for “Kooky of The Year.”

No competition. 


I’m trying; really, I’m trying to get the hang of modern technology. I like my smart phone but some things I just can’t figure out.

For instance, we recently received photos of our Israeli great-granddaughters lighting Hanukkah candles. Very cute. I wanted to save them on my smart phone but I can’t figure out how to do it.

Later that same day one of my other Israeli granddaughters (we have six) sent us via WhatsApp a series of pictures of her kids also lighting Hanukkah candles. As a bonus, we also saw pictures of our youngest great-granddaughter and her mother.

These photos were saved automatically on the phone. In fact, through some mysterious alchemy this batch was saved twice.

We were so excited to get the pictures we called Israel to thank them. While talking, we mentioned the remodeling we did to our house (new roof and siding and a portico over the front door).

My wife had me go outside and take pictures of the new look and, with some long-distance prompting from my granddaughter, I WhatsApp’d them to her. She commented on our new look while we were still on the phone.

Technology can be wonderful and frustrating at the same time.

But I’m still trying.