Saturday, January 21, 2012

GOP Cauldron Bubbles

Thus spake South Carolina, giving Newt Gingrich a win in its Republican Presidential Primary.

It is a development worthy of a Shakespearean drama, particularly Macbeth. See Act I, Scene I, the three witches gather round the boiling pot, tossing in their potent ingredients. Cue the second witch:

“Fillet of a snake that lived in a bog,
In the cauldron boil and bake:
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
A black snake's forked tongue, and its cousin's sting,
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth, boil and bubble.”


“Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”

Beware, Florida. You're next.

Friday, January 20, 2012

With apologies to “Frankie and Johnny”

(Sing at your own risk)

SOPA and PIPA were soul mates

Born in a spasm of fear

Of piracy running rampant

Through movies and musical ears

They were beloved, but they were Oh so wrong.

Well, SOPA went up to the Senate

And PIPA called in at the House

But internet users cried “Never”

Will these villainous lovers get out.

They were beloved, but they were all wrong.

Now SOPA and PIPA are chastened

Sent back to their rooms for a spell

To wrestle with massive resistance

To the ideas they're trying to sell.

They were beloved, but they were all wrong.

Now out in the worldwide web world

Where fury carried that day

Websters are clicking their mouses

Bracing for another foray

By soul mates SOPA and PIPA, they who were Oh so wrong.

They were beloved, but they were all wrong.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Steal This Blog

I signed the Google petition against SOPA and PIPA yesterday. I never sign petitions.

But the thought of preventing an internet pirate from stealing my Blog was repugnant to me. Here, take it, Mr. Pirate. Go ahead, make my day.

I can't imagine Congress getting upset over someone pirating my Blog. If the pirates put it out for all the world to see, maybe I'll get another “follower.” One can only hope.

I wonder if the millions of others who ganged up on Congress via the internet also have “intellectual property” they want to protect. Like me.

I have spoken. Did anyone hear?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Study Study

Today's new study on the alleged benefits of taking baby aspirin calls to mind previous studies which superseded previous previous studies which make about as much sense as the latest study which once again says it's OK to do what you thought you shouldn't be doing because it was harmful to your health.

Now it isn't. So do it. But at your own risk.

And don”t “ask your doctor,” because he couldn't possibly have had time to study that latest study which superseded the previous study which he didn't have time to look at either.

So there you have it. Bottom line: you're on your own.

Good luck.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What, No Socks?

When the compensation consultant left Goldman's Socks the news was not good. You have to reduce your outfit by at least 25 per cent, he said. Everyone is dressing down, he said.

Socks seemed the most logical to go. After all, Goldman's Guys run around the Hamptons all summer without socks anyway. Some of them even think it's cool to go clubbing sans socks. They could hardly complain if they were asked to take a sock for the firm in these tight times.

They'll still have their suits, shirts, (ties optional) undies and shoes. Socks, not so much, at least until things pick up.

As he strode out the door of Goldman's Socks, the consultant hitched up his trousers just enough that his anklets were visible. A man of his word, he had reduced his own sock length by about 60%.

What a sockrifice!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Let's Play...

Who wants to be a Media? The game that challenges your ability to defy logic, sow confusion and become famous for juggling facts at the drop of a question.

Our first contestant is Mr. D. Termined from Middle America, wherever that is. Mr. Termined, what are your qualifications for becoming a Media?

Well, Mudddling, as a last-minute voter I confuse the pollsters who think I'll vote one way when in fact I always vote the other way. In fact, I'm famous for flip-flopping at the polling booth. And if that doesn't defy logic, I don't know what does.

Well, Mr. Termined, you've hit all the qualifications for becoming a Media. Just stand by and we'll see if anyone wants to challenge you.

I see a hand up from a scraggly fellow with – is that a pencil behind your ear? You must be an old fashioned journalist. Your name please.

Call me Ishmailligan. I just washed up on the East Coast after a lengthy chase after a presidential candidate who threw me off his bus when I asked him a question.

What was the question?

Why the hell do you want to be president? His face turned white, he glared at me and then said the interview was over. It hadn't even started. So he was confused by the question, which defies logic and since he had no facts to juggle I guess that qualifies me as a Media.

It's clear we have two winners. Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to confer the title of “Media” on each of you.

May you continue to confuse, defy logic and juggle facts to your heart's content.

And may the Supreme Court of Elections shine its countenance on you.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Sunday

After a spate of early risings during the week, we finally slept late today. My wife prepared a delicious breakfast, we read some of the papers and then I checked email.

To our delight there was a new picture from Israel of our 15-month-old great-grandson Yonatan standing on tip-toe with one finger on his Dad's laptop. Boy, they start them early there. The caption of the photo said: “Yonatan in his office.” We made an appointment for next month.

Thus fortified we had a light workout out our gym and then got ready for another bonus: a visit from our New Jersey granddaughter Samantha and her friend, Mike. We were delighted to see them and took them to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in nearby Caldwell.

Everyone enjoyed their meal and I called for the check. However, when I reached for my wallet my back pocket was empty. Fortunately, my wife had her credit cards with her so we were spared further embarrassment.

Then I put on the DVR to see the rest of the Giants-Packers game. Sure enough the DVR stopped with about 5 minutes left to play even though I had programmed it to end 60 minutes after the scheduled ending. The Giants were leading by 10 at that point so I didn't fret too much. We watched some of the CBS Sunday Morning program before I turned to the internet to get the final score, 37-20.

So, to sum up: New pictures from Israel. A visit to the gym. Dinner with a grandchild and friend. The Giants win. The kids texted us they got home safely.

A good Sunday.