Monday, April 19, 2010

The Irellevants

I am finally reconciled that I am irrelevant. The TV networks are not interested in what I watch, although I am devoted to certain of their more entertaining programs, not reality shows, however, which are anything but realistic. How can you produce a "reality" show that requires proper lighting, camera positions and other technical set-ups to capture the proper framing for the "conflict."

It's all bogus as far as I'm concerned and people who watch so-called reality shows are just kidding themselves.

Advertisers certainly aren't interested in me although my disposable income no doubt exceeds that of the most distressed holder of a toxic mortgage.

And the high tech world is totally confusing to me. Last week's NYTimes had so much information on a totally mind-boggling array of new devices and apps that I can't imagine anyone really needing. I just threw the whole section away, which I do anyway when its recycling day.

So I don't tweet, facebook, Youtube or otherwise clutter up the internet with useless information. Except my occasional blog. Oh, and now one of my granddaughters wants me to join her on something called Hi5. Sounds like a branch of the British Secret Service. I'm waiting for her to tell me what Hi5 is before I commit.

So all this makes me irrelevant, right? Right.

Yours until next time.


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