Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm Worried

No one asked me to endorse Chris Christie, so I didn't vote for him. Either time. Now I'm waiting for the traffic cones to be put up on my suburban street, blocking the kids from being driven to school.

Christie would say, let them walk, its healthier for them And it saves gas. They're probably democrats anyway.

Let's do some damage control, a la Christie:
  1. Change the name of the George Washington Bridge. Call it the Bridget Kelly Bridge to Nowhere. She's already there.
  2. Change the name of Fort Lee. Call it Trenton-lite. Just as snarled but more picturesque.
  3. Give a toll-free day to all east-bound motorist using the bridge. Maybe several. It couldn't hurt.
  4. Oh, and for heavens sake, (as Jon Stewart prompted) say you're sorry. 
Sure to be continued. 

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