Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm back (it's about time)

Ok, here's the deal...I am not allowed to play a game of spider solitaire until I post something on my blog. That, along with pure laziness, is what has kept me silent all these months.

Not that I have conquered any of the technologies that have baffled me from the start of this blog. In fact, at the suggestion of an early adapter, I just threw out a flash drive that refused to work on my PC. It kept telling me I had to have authorization from "the administrator" to proceed to store some data. But I AM the administrator (or so I thought). In any case, out it went and I'll probably buy another one and try again.

Meantime, try as I might to refrain from commenting on politics and apologizers, it is impossible to resist. The targets are just too rich. C'mon,Tiger,get back on the course. And,I'm still waiting to hear, read, or see what the Tea Partiers WANT. We know what they don't want -- anything -- as long as the media keeps giving them air time to vent.

Can't wait for the Obama Open House on health care. Should be a gas.

Can I play spider solitaire now?

See you tomorrow.

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