Friday, October 14, 2011

My Alternate Universe

I like science fiction. I particularly like the TV show “Fringe.” In case you haven't seen it they're dealing with alternate universes that mirror each other but years apart.

I started thinking lately about the concept of alternate universes right here and now. I'm beginning to think that aging puts you squarely in an alternate universe.


You can’t, or don't want to keep up with the latest wiz-bang technology.
The advertising industry ignores you. (Exceptions: Pharmaceuticals)
Movies are aimed at teen-agers.
TV shows are only aimed at the 18-34 age group.

Even AARP is trending younger, celebrating anyone over 50 or even 60 who is still attractive and active. Hel-lo!

So you know what? It's OK. I'm “down” with that. (I heard that expression on one of those trendy young people's shows. I think it means "good.")

In my universe we remember dial phones without area codes and our old home and business phone numbers. Nickel subway rides, 55-cent bleacher seats and no zip codes.

Some might call that nostalgia. Not that anything's wrong with that. (Thank you, Jerry Seinfeld.)

Meantime, we have to live in this universe. We're doing the best we can and trying to enjoy the ride as long as it lasts. After all, there are no round-trip tickets.

PS: You didn't miss last night's blog, I took the night off.

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