Thursday, December 8, 2011

Look Around

I can't stress enough the importance of looking around before leaving the house. In my case, looking down is almost more important.

You see we have white carpeting in our house. And ever since it was installed I don footwear solely (no pun intended) for use in the house. Thing is, sometimes I forget I have them on and leave the house wearing them. It's not tragic but it is annoying. Hence the looking down to make sure I have “outside shoes” on.

As for the looking around, that's to make sure you haven't left behind the things you wanted to take with you. Like the house keys. The book you want to return to the library. The bill you want to drop off at the Post Office (before it disappears altogether, the Post Office, not the bill).

Recently my wife left for her gym class only to ring the bell moments later to ask me to retrieve her water bottle which she left in the kitchen. I've done that, too.

Are any of these little annoyances life-threatening? Of course not. But they are preventable if we remember to look around before leaving the room or house.

I guess it's more applicable to persons of a certain age.

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