Thursday, September 15, 2011


We remember my late former neighbor, Gladys, for two unique characteristics, one worldly, one not so much. We fondly invoke each at specific times.

This evening we performed one of Gladys’s most memorable accomplishments, the baking of plum cakes for Rosh Hashanah. She introduced us to these home-baked delicacies many years ago and my wife instantly secured the recipe. To this day, we bake them every year at this time and share the treats with family and friends.

Gladys’s other characteristic was her belief that she could communicate with the spirit world. She was convinced she received messages from the departed and took all ribbing about this in good spirits, no pun intended.

BUT, Gladys also had no qualms about asking her spiritual friends for favors. The most exorbitant one of all was requesting a parking space in mid-Manhattan as she and her husband drove into the city. Not just any parking space, but one near their destination.

Incredibly, more times than not she usually got it. Coincidence or heavenly help? Who knows?

The thing is, not only do we continue to bake Gladys’s plum cakes each holiday season, we also invoke her indomitable spirit to help us get a parking space when we’re on our way to a congested area anywhere in the Metro area. You think we're nuts? Other "friends of Gladys" also call upon her out-of-this-world parking ability.

And, thanks to Gladys, sometimes we get it.

Gladys lives!

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