Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Post-election Musings

Hello, Blog:

Haven't posted anything for a while. I've been immersed in the election aftermath and can't seem to read enough about what this one says and that one says.

I hope the hope for a new beginning is justified but I worry about the far-right attack machine. I'm sure they can't wait for the first opportunity to spew forth the hate and fear rhetoric the electorate has just rejected. But I doubt it. In fact, "still-president Bush," as Jon Stewart calls him, still couches his public statements with dire projections of what will happen if he is unheeded. Hello? Didn't he read the election results? He IS no longer heeded.

I learned long ago not to argue with ideologues. They are immune to common sense and the lessons of history. They see what they want to see and say what they want to say regardless of reality.

Meanwhile, Jan. 20 cannot come soon enough.
