There it was on the back page of the local paper, the entire back page: A full page ad for “Antiques Buying Roadshow.”
Not to be mistaken for the PBS TV show of almost the same name: “Antiques Roadshow.”
As always, the devil is in the details, or in this case, the clever insert of the word “Buying” between Antiques and Roadshow.
So before you lug out what you think are your oldies but goodies take a good hard look at what they're looking for: dolls and toys, perfume and lipstick items, vintage clothing, etc. Does that sound like your grandma's 17th century rocker?
I doubt it. Reads more like a garage sale gone amok. The “buyers” will be around here for two days at a local hotel and I'm sure they'll get some folks expecting to hit it big. I won't be one of them.
When I mentioned this venture to my son he warned me not to give away any items he might want. He does have first dibs of a few of our possessions but none of them are worth much. In fact, his biggest potential prize is a “wonder knife” we received as a wedding present 59 years ago.
We still have it, still use it and he ain't getting it until we're done.
So beware the advertiser's sting. It's in the fine print.