Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday the mail comes late

How do we know? Because we wait for it every day and Thursday the mail arrives around 5 p.m. That’s late.

Who waits for mail, you ask? Fair question. It’s a habit ingrained in the past when the mail brought information, checks, greeting cards, invitations, condolences, announcements, etc. So much of that now is delivered electronically. Sorry, it’s not the same. 

Thursday is also supermarket flyer day. We look at two and throw out the rest. It’s not a coincidence that our town recycles cardboard and all paper products because that’s what we discard each day with the mail.

Mail even sounds different. When real mail comes through the slot in our door it lands with a bang, or thud, depending in the bulk of the flyers. Email makes a different sound, a beep, a gong, whatever. Still mostly spam.

And real mail is delivered by a real person you can get to know over time. That’s how we know when to expect our mail. We know the routine.

Long live real mail.