Wednesday, March 6, 2013


It stalks the land. It feasts on the young. It fears the Old.

It is unstoppable. It is fearless.

The Sequester!

Never have we seen anything like it. It’s HUGE. It’s voracious!

Politicians tremble in its wake. Or quake in its presence.

A small band of Sequesterers cheer it on. Shoveling huge chunks of money at its maw.

Who can stand up to it?

NO ONE! It is relentless and will not be stopped.


Unless you’re over 65.

In which case, YOU are the problem, living too long, feeding at the public trough, sucking the life out of the national treasure.

Beware old people. Your entitlements could be next.

No one ever expects SEQUESTER TWO!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Bobbing for Brains


"Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain"

Suggest start with Congress, if you can find a brain among them.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year and Hello Again

OK, I've been remiss. I haven't posted since last May. Sorry about that.

So we'll try again to keep you up with my musings. The following has been on my mind for a while. Try it on yours.

Ode to Congress

You kept me dangling
nerves a'jangling
Upper lip stiff
On the Fiscal Cliff.

Now I'm reeling
Queasily feeling
Suspensefully dealing
With the debt ceiling.

Must we lurch
from perch to perch
without surcease
to fiscal peace?

In our lifetime?
