Sunday, February 20, 2011

Digital Enough?

As much as I'm dazzled by the wonders of the techno-age there are a couple of things I do like and use. Email, for instance. I don't need to broadcast my doings every moment of the day, a la twitterers, but I do find email a convenient way to communicate with friends and family when necessary or desirable.

Strike, necessary. For that there's always the telephone or even the cell phone, another device I find handy.

Now that we've recovered from the jet lag left by our return from Israel, I downloaded the photos we took of our children, grand-children and great-grand-children to my PC and emailed selected shots to stateside relatives.

They were nice enough to email back that they received the photos and liked them a lot. Very satisfying for all parties.

So there you have it. I communicate casually by email, I use a cell phone and transfer digital photos to my PC. I email them directly to friends and relatives. I even have an iPod which I listen to when working out at the gym.

I can't say how much further I'm willing or able to plunge into the digital world. But I'll keep an open mind.

Never say never.


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