Here's the thing: I create titles I like but never write the stories or books to go with them. So I'm giving you the opportunity of a lifetime. Take any one of my titles and do what you will with it.
Of course, you don't have to do anything. You may even snicker that a grown man could come up with such ideas. But that's me. And I'm going to give them to you one at a time.
Today's title is: “The Ego Pit.” It's the story of a TV News operation at station WEGO-TV. You can set the station anywhere you please. The main characters will be the same. Having worked in news management for many years I know the material is there.
You will have an anchor man or woman or both who just know they belong in a larger market. Or if they're already in a large market, then certainly they deem themselves worthy of a network slot.
Then there are the supporting characters who also aspire to greater glory in TV land. Pity no one ever tells them they've gone as far as they ever will.
You, as well as I, can probably think of many worthy fictions that have already explored the TV news environment, but I like my title. I offer it to any enterprising writer who might want to take up the challenge of fitting characters around the egos that abound in a TV newsroom.
I'm sad as hell and I'm not going to write about it anymore.
Next: “The Brisket Crisis.”
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