Tuesday, February 18, 2014

"Murderer's Row"

What better time to think about warm weather than when you're snowed in.

It was the 1940's into the early 50's. I lived on the first floor of a six-story brick apartment building in The Bronx (note the capital T, please). Whenever weather permitted, a group of older women would sit in a line on the sidewalk in front of the entrance to the building.

I called it “Murderer's Row” because I had to walk past them whenever I entered or left. I could feel their eyes on me all the way. Although we lived in the same building, I didn't know any of them. They never said anything to me nor I to them. But they made me feel self-conscious.

To be fair, these were pre-air-conditioning days and fresh air was where you found it. If it meant sitting outside for an hour or two with friends that was what you did.

A few years ago, on the way home from the Bronx Zoo, I drove past the old neighborhood. No one sat outside buildings. Instead, there were iron gates across the entrances to most of the old apartment houses.

That was then, this is now.

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