Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Busting the Boomers

I am a member of the “Silent Generation,” that cohort born between 1925 and 1945, many of whom served during the Korean War, including me. We were given the name by Time Magazine in an article that described us as “unimaginative, withdrawn, unadventurous and cautious.” Maybe it was because we didn't subscribe.

Then came that group called the “Baby Boomers,” to which we contributed two.

Now I read the first Boomers are approaching their 70's with the usual fanfare and hand-wringing associated with this self-absorbed group. Having been there, done that, I can't get too excited about their generational milestone. Frankly, my dears, I'm kind of tired of hearing about the Boomers and all they've done to:

a) improve our lives,
b) screw up our lives,
c) become a damn nuisance.

I never understood the fuss made over them just because there were so many of them. And now the fuss continues because they are reaching a certain age. Hell, when we “Silents” reached that age no one made a fuss over us. 

Am I jealous or grouchy or just plain ornery? Or maybe I should just keep “silent.”

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