Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Thing About Thursday

It's catch-up day. It's a day I get to sleep a little later because I don't have to be anywhere at a particular time. It's a day to do some errands I haven't had time to do earlier in the week.

It's the same kind of day for my wife, who doesn't have her exercise class on Thursday. It's a day for doctor's appointments, barbers, beauty parlor visits, casual shopping and reading the papers at a leisurely pace. Or just reading a book.

We could do the laundry, or not; a little light housekeeping, or not, or anything else that strikes us. Like posting a blog, perhaps. The point is: Thursday is completely our day.

I have always liked Thursdays. I think I was born on a Thursday and it's a day I have always looked forward to. It's past midweek but not quite the weekend. It also can be the start a four-day weekend when holidays align; the classic example being Thanksgiving Day declared by President Lincoln as the fourth Thursday of November.

To me it's a day like no other; it's just right.

Happy Thursday everyone.

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