Friday, April 15, 2011

And the MRI Reveals...

So what did the MRI show, already? Not much. No broken bones, no major complications, just plain old pain in the leg bursitis.

I suppose that's the good news from my orthopedist, who likes to spell it orthopaedist. That's also correct but I think a bit pretentious. He's a nice guy so I don't say anything.

But the pain is still there. He changed my medication on the theory if one anti-inflammatory isn't working maybe another one will. This is medical science?

The kicker is he wants me to use a “walking aid” to take some of the pressure off the right leg. He knows I'm a golfer so he suggested I use my five iron to lean on. That's great on the course but I don't see it happening at home or in public.

Fortunately, my wife owns a fold-up cane which is relatively modest in appearance but a cane nevertheless. I tried it out in the house this afternoon and she didn't recognize me. Who is that guy with the cane, she asked? It takes some getting used to, me included.

Well, bottom line is no tennis for the foreseeable future, exercise carefully, new medication as directed, golf whenever, cane as necessary and come back in a month.

What a saga!

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