Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nana Mary's Cookies

This is the time of year we make my mother's famous cookies, which we call, phonetically, poo'gotch-uls. Our kids called them simply, Nana Mary's cookies. And now that's how we refer to them.

We baked 48 NMCs today. Most of them we'll take to our son tomorrow to celebrate his birthday and the rest we'll keep for ourselves. We prefer to eat our NMCs after either lunch or dinner, saving or savoring them, for later. Which is why we call by their nickname: fuh-lay'ders.

Years ago there was a small chain of Hungarian bakeries in New York called Mrs. Altman's, which used to make and sell poo'gatch-uls. I would stop there on the way home from work and buy a box. They were very good but not as good as my mother's. Alas, Mrs. Altman's stores are no more.

Happily, my mother's recipe is alive and well in our kitchen. I hope our children and/or grandchildren will want to keep the recipe alive.

Through the years, very few people we know ever heard of poo'gotch-uls. I knew they were a Hungarian delicacy so I Goggled Hungarian Cookies (at my wife's suggestion) and there they were. Here's the link, if you're interested:

The recipe stays here.

See ya. Time for a fuh-lay'der.

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