Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Let's Try Again

I last blogged on March 16, 2013, railing, at that time, against The Sequester. Well, you all know what happened after that. Millions took pay cuts or lost their jobs altogether and eventually the government was shut down and we had to cancel our vacation to DC.

But this is a New Year and we're going to try again to keep current. I'm not into the bests and worsts of last year, nor do I have "great expectations" for 2014. As an octogenarian, my lists more or less incline toward smaller expectations.

For example: getting out of bed in the morning and making it through the day without dropping something or hurting anyone, myself included.

I'm still battling modern technology, tho. My latest bugaboo is the flood of spam clogging my email box. I have engaged the "block message" application but that hasn't stopped the flow of spam from the same sources I've been "blocking." How do they get through?

I did indulge in a smart phone but often miss messages because it's on "vibrate" because the beeping from those spam emails drives me nuts. I do not have a Twitter account and I rarely look at Facebook. So much for me and social media.

Well, it's the first of the New Year and I don't want to wear out my welcome right away.

So Happy New Year and stay tuned.

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