Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Sheet Rocks!

Compared to what other folks are going through with this blast of Nordic air, we've had it relatively easy. Until this morning, when the pilot light on the gas heater in our back room went out. I assume high winds during the night knocked it out.

That heater is a Godsend. It was here when we bought our house 50 years ago and we rely on it to keep the den warm. When it goes out, the cold air creeps into the dining and living rooms and it's just uncomfortable.

In fact, during the 2012 Halloween snowstorm that knocked out our heat and electricity for six days, the only thing that kept our home habitable was that little gas heater in the back room.

As the temperature dropped near zero last night and this morning the back room got colder and colder. It used to have doors that we could close to isolate the room, but we took them down long ago to make a flow-through living area.

What to do until the cavalry (i.e. Public Service) arrives in the morning? My wife says “Let's put a sheet across the entrance to the room.” Great idea, I said, but why not something heavier?

Agreed. So we took the flannel sheet off our bed and I taped it across the entrance to the room. It's not perfect but it will help keep the house a little warmer until help arrives.


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