Friday, May 6, 2011

The Times They Are A'Sneezin'

I don't know what it is about the New York Times but every time I read it I start to sneeze or choke. And tonight, a new wrinkle – my eyes started watering as I was trying to read the main section.

Years ago I heard that as the paper comes off the presses it is sprayed with some sort of fine powder to help quick-dry the ink. Trouble is, that powder ends up in my nose or throat and now maybe my eyes. Once I tried to read the paper with a surgical mask over my nose and mouth. That experiment lasted a few pages.

Does anyone else have these symptoms or am I just allergic to what I'm reading?

Funny thing is that reading news on line makes my eyes heavy and I fight to stay awake. So reading the paper on line is no solution. Maybe I'm becoming allergic to news entirely. It certainly isn't the profession I worked in oh, so many years ago.

TV news has become a caricature of itself. The radio commercials are longer than the news stories. And everyone thinks newspapers slant the news to reflect their editorial positions.

But we must keep up somehow. So we will man up and sneeze, cough and cry through the newspaper.


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