Saturday, June 11, 2011

"...after the beep."

Remember voice mail jail? You know, you leave me a message, then I leave you a message, then you leave me a message and then if we're lucky some time in the future we connect in person. I suppose that's pretty much gone now with the advent of iPhones, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

The way people connect instantly today I suspect the answering machine may be the Dodo of today.

Well, not quite. I still get messages on my home phone and I still leave messages on other peoples' answering devices. Problem is I'm never sure they get my message, so I call again to speak to them in person to verify.

Today, the shoe (phone) was on the other foot (ear). I got a voice mail message from a golfing buddy inviting me to join him one day next week. I returned the call and naturally I got his voice mail. So I left my message confirming the date and time. He really didn't need to reply.

Nevertheless, some time later in the day, he called again and I was home to answer. He told me it was his practice to speak in person to anyone who left him a voice mail message. He said it was something he developed during his business career and it's stuck with him.

It may seem a quaint gesture by today's norms but I appreciated the call. I considered it a “get out of voice mail jail free” card.

You can play it any time.

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