Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I'm reading Albert Brooks' futuristic novel, “2030.” It's supposed to be a satirical novel but if you're of a certain age it could make you antsy.

Here's the premise: cancer has been cured and many other life-prolonging medications are letting people live longer and longer. What's more, they're soaking up all health care dollars in the U.S. Treasury. These people are called “the olds.” And the “youngs” are getting restless. (Get it: "The Young and the Restless?" Sorry.)

I haven't gotten far enough into the book to see what eventually happens but I'm beginning to think Brooks may be on to something. I hope not, of course.

And by the way, early on in this hypothetical Brooksworld Los Angeles has been destroyed by an earthquake, the long-awaited “Big One.” You think Obama has problems? Pity President Bernstein.

Anyway, that's what I've been muddling through today and it will take me several more days until I finish this apocalyptic tale.

If the “youngs” don't get me first.

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