Sunday, September 18, 2011

White Bread

Out of the radio speaker bursts the pounding strains of the William Tell Overture...the breathless announcer sets the stage...”from out of the past come the thundering hoof beats of the great horse Silver. The Lone Ranger rides again...”

Brought to you, of course, by Silvercup, the white bread of choice for every 8-9 year old fan of the program, including me. And what triggers (sorry, Roy) this memory? I'm on a special eating plan for a while under doctor's orders and since I can't stomach gluten-free bread, his bread of choice, I've been given special dispensation to eat white bread.

Rye, pumpernickel, bagels, whole wheat, etc., all that good stuff is off the table for a while. So we went shopping recently and discovered that white bread is still for sale in the supermarkets, all brands available in their bright, multi-colored packages. I guess lots of folks still buy them. Until now, I wasn't among them.

Now I am and I have to confess that without much thought we bought Wonder Bread. I have no excuse for my disloyalty to a boyhood hero. It just happened. Then I faced the test of how to eat it: plain or toasted? No contest. Toast it was and darn if it wasn't pretty good.

My wife says she'll even make me white bread French Toast.




I recently wrote a blog titled “24 Steps.” Today I discovered there are 25 steps leading to our workout room at our gym. Sorry for the error. It will be corrected in the original.

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